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Didactic venues

The didactic activities related to the courses belonging to the School are carried out in three locations:

School of Management and Economics - is the headquarters and where are held almost all the Degree Courses

📍 How to reach us

Pedestrian Entrances:

- corso Unione Sovietica, 218 bis

- corso Unione Sovietica, 220

- via Filadelfia, 73 ( New part of the building of the School of Management and Economics, also called “Nuovo Polo Didattico”)



1. Main Reception of the School

Tel.: +39. 011. 670.6191


2. Reception for the “Nuovo Polo”

Tel.: +39. 011 670 6590




SAA School of Management – Via Ventimiglia, 115

Here there are the didactic activities related to the following degree courses:

Website SAA - School of Management

📍 How to reach us


Here there are the didactic activities related to "Green e digital management" courses – First Cycle Degree in Economia Aziendale.


"Città Studi" - corso Giuseppe Pella, 2b - 13900 Biella

Tel: +39 015 8551110

Email: sends e-mail)


📍 How to reach us


The updates about the timetable and calendar are available on the "Città Studi" website on the devoted page.

Here there are the didactic activities related to "Impresa, management e imprenditorialità" courses – First Cycle Degree in Economia Aziendale.


"Mater Amabilis" - via Ferraris di Celle, 2

Tel.: +39. 011 6708316 


📍 How to reach us


The updates are available on the website of Economia Aziendale in the devoted section "Avvisi sede di Cuneo".

Last update: 30/07/2024